Welcome to the ACRU Blog


ACRU Staff


April 5, 2007

Welcome to the blog of the American Civil Rights Union. Here we will provide commentary to important news of the day concerning the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the civil rights of all Americans. We will also comment on the latest outrages perpetuated by the ACLU and other so-called civil liberties organizations that seek to undermine the Constitution and traditional American values. And we’ll inform our readers and supporters of our work and successes.

The American Civil Rights Union (ACRU) is dedicated to protecting our fundamental rights and liberties across the board. The ACRU focuses, in particular, on those areas of our civil rights which are ignored, or even actively undermined, by other supposed civil rights groups. To learn more about our work – and to join us in financial support of our cause – please visit the ACRU website.

Thank you for your interest. Please check back in often. Together, we can restore the foundations of our great nation, and protect our most hallowed institutions from those opposed to what America has long stood for.



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